By Donna Jo Napoli
Hush is about a spoiled Irish princess kidnapped by Vikings. It all starts when her brother's hand is cut off over a drunken gambling bet. Seeking revenge her father plans a counter attack to protect the honor of his now mutilated son that can no longer be the perfect king he was being groomed for. Melkorka, the princess becomes what she had always abhorred as royalty- a lowly slave. She finds that her power to not speak is something she can hold onto in her dark world with the misters that are her keepers. Her silence becomes something that makes the people afraid of her, giving her more power to go on.
Personal Review:
I really enjoyed this Irish tale, it was interesting to learn more about the time period and Irish people. I liked how Napoli showed us what a little bratt the princess was and her cruel views of slaves and then had her become that. Her characters are real enough to suffer through life lesson's. Having said that I think Napoli creates strong, human characters that YA's can relate to.
Warnings: slavery, sex, racism
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