By Julie Tatham
Grosset and Dunlap INC.
Personal Review:
First I have to say "Oh me oh my." (Are you kidding me?) And, what a waste of time. No joke, that ANYONE read these books... for entertainment is a joke. And that's my humble opinion take it or leave it. Cruel that we pass these around class really. Cruel.
Cheery is a nurse who does the work of three nurses. She has a lovely little starched uniform and makes sure her patients get all of the TLC they need. (gag me.) For some reason when someone says "EMERGENCY" followed by "I'm a doctor" she jumps in a car only to discover she's being kidnapped. Nobody will believe poor little silly pretty headed Cherry! The best part is that she considers not going to the police because "the man was a doctor and doctors are amazing men that should be worshiped." I swear it said something like that... or at least implied it.
Warnings: extreme stupidity and brainwashing. I'm no feminist but here's where I draw the line. Sorry.
"I've been thinking about it. Everything. And when feather opens her eyes and looks up at me, I already know there's change. And i figure if the world were really right, humans would live life backward and do the first part last. They'd be all knowing the beginning and innocent in the end. Then everyone could end their lives on their momma or daddy's stomache in a warm room, wating for the soft morning light."
Personal Review:
I usually have issues with books or movies that glorify teenage pregnancy and encourage YA to keep an infant when they cannot provide a mother and a father for them. Having said that I confess I really liked this book. Sometimes I think when parents are put in this situation- a pregnant daughter or a son who fathered a child they forget that it is possible that their child could love the individual even though they're young. I was amazed at how much Booby loved Nia. He really loved her. Even if he kept the little girl selfishly, to keep a part of Nia for himself, he really loved his girlfriend and daughter.
Warnings: Sex, language