By: Nancy Werlin
Penguin Groups NY 2008
Lucy was seventeen- high top sneakers and prom in a mini cooper. Everything was perfect, an innocent date that promised to stay sober and keep her safe. Her best friend Zach to see her off and parents who loved her.
Miranda. Glass shattered everywhere, her mother's bloody nose, Gray Spencer running away, her dress ruined. The beginning of the end for a family haunted by a Fairy Curse.
Miranda. Glass shattered everywhere, her mother's bloody nose, Gray Spencer running away, her dress ruined. The beginning of the end for a family haunted by a Fairy Curse.
Personal Review:
This book is beautifully written and I enjoyed every Minuit of it. I liked that the author took a piece of music (that had some mystic around it anyway) that everyone knows and gave its old folk legend a story from today. I like fantasy so I loved the legend and magical fairy being woven into a modern every day story. I very much liked Lucy's Character, the author allowed Zach to have his hero's macho man thing while also allowing Lucy to be every bit the strong capable woman she can be (unlike some popular characters in not so great recent literature... Bella cough cough) They were a team, I liked that. Werlin also deals with some issues from the world today that we sometimes wish were only in novels in a very realistic way. When Lucy is raped the family supports her, she has therapy sessions and suffers from nightmares and decided what to do about her pregnancy. All of these things are very real issues that the author incorporated into her fantasy tale while making the issues remain realistic.
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